STAMP | Wallpaper

The easiest way to do your nails is using a stamping plate. Though it may vary on designs and color combinations, it would still be beautiful 😊

Last weekend, I went Festival Mall (Alabang, PH). There's a newly openned Korean store called XIMISO. They have these amazing products which cause only 99 pesos (roughly 2 dollars). But what capture my eyes is this wonderful Nail Polish. Its not HOLO though. 😭

Anyway, I made another video tutorial.
Click on the link below to watch 😊
Hope you enjoy💅🏻💖

S T A M P | Month of May

This was my nail art design for the month of may. Its colorful and bright. I did used the dry brush technique to create the color mixed effect. Then, I stamp these wonderful triangle lines 😊

I always use this stamp design. Probably because they’re gorgeous!

Watch out for my upcoming nailart designs 😊 Soon, I’ll have new designs and stamps! 

S I L V E R & B L A C K

Look through the windows, and you’ll see silver dust.

I was inspired by #DoctorSquish a youtuber famous for cutting open squishies. I swear, every video of hers are so satifying and looking at her nails are just A-mazing! Love her!

Doctor Squish’s Youtube Channel: